Some of you have asked how the grass never got out of control over the last two weeks with all of the rain. The reason is a Plant Growth Regulator (PGR) we spray on our tees, collars, approaches, and fairways called Primo Maxx. This is another one of our tools we use for better turf. This chemical makes the plant put all of its energy into growing horizontally instead of vertically. It pretty much shuts down the vertical growth of the grass allowing it to really tighten up and fill divots faster. We spray it every 14-21 days depending on weather. With this product applied, we can afford to only mow our short cut bermudagrass once a week and will not have to worry about scalping or getting bombarded with an enormous amount of clippings. Without the PGR, we would have to mow at least twice a week and in some cases, three times. Along with the PGR we also add a humic acid product called Propel which acts as a liquid aerification to the soil. This is a new product for us this year and we are extremely happy with the results so far.
So next time we get a lot of rain, just know we have chemicals working for us so our short cut bermudagrass will not get out of control. We can't guarantee the same for the rough, so I suggest you hit it straight. See you out here soon.